04. Student Services


Udacity is committed to supporting you in completing this Nanodegree program! To that end, we have built several different channels to connect you with support from Udacity's network of mentors and reviewers, as well as your fellow students.

Student Hub

Join Student Hub to ask questions or chat with your fellow classmates and mentors. There are also community activities! Enter Student Hub by clicking on the blue message box button on the left sidebar.


Find Commonly Asked Questions and Answers

"Knowledge" is where students post questions and get answers from the Udacity community. You can browse existing answers to questions about projects, technical issues and content. If you don't find the answer to your question, post it yourself to get a response from your classmates and Udacity mentors!

Check out Knowledge by clicking the button below. You can also access Knowledge by clicking the Knowledge panel on the bottom left of the navigation bar.


A Udacity project reviewer will send you detailed feedback each time you submit a project. Sometimes, a reviewer might ask you to resubmit in order to meet specifications. In that case, an indication of required changes will also be provided. Note that you can submit a project as many times as needed to pass.